
Developing digital competency in future masters of vocational training

Показати скорочений опис матеріалу

dc.contributor.author Ковальчук, Василь Іванович
dc.contributor.author Kovalchuk, Vasyl
dc.contributor.author Сорока, Валерій Вікторович
dc.contributor.author Soroka, Valerii
dc.date.accessioned 2021-05-31T06:58:16Z
dc.date.available 2021-05-31T06:58:16Z
dc.date.issued 2020
dc.identifier.citation Kovalchuk V., Soroka V. Developing Digital Competency in Future Masters of Vocational Training. Professional Pedagogics, 1(20), 96–103. uk_UA
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/1240
dc.description DOI: 10.32835/2707-3092.2020.20.96-103 uk_UA
dc.description.abstract Relevance: the use of modern digital technologies is a prerequisite for the development of more effective approaches to learning and the improvement of teaching methods, which saves time and faster to achieve this goal. The high educational potential of modern digital technologies and the pace of their development, development and modernization of software determine the requirement for the improvement of training of masters of industrial training. In these circumstances, it is important for graduates of pre-professional higher education to have the knowledge, skills and experience to solve educational tasks, above all, digital tools. Aim: to substantiate and experimentally test the levels of digital competence development of future masters of industrial training. Methods: theoretical (analysis, synthesis, generalization); empirical (testing); statistical (results processing, charting). Results: the role of digital competence in the professional activity of masters of industrial training is analyzed in the article and the main aspects that digital competence in the general understanding in the educational process should provide. The levels of development of digital competence are distinguished: technical, social, informational and epistemological. In order to determine the levels of digital competence of future masters of industrial training, a study was conducted among the students of the final groups of the Professionalpedagogical specialty college of Hlukhiv NPU named after O. Dovzhenko with further analysis and presentation of the obtained results. In the experiment study, a technique was used to establish digital competence levels based on the respondents' frequency of use of various digital technologies. The obtained results reveal some problems in the formation and development of levels of digital competence in the preparation of future masters of industrial training. Namely, it has been demonstrated that the four levels of digital competence under study are not equally developed and need further adjustment. Thus, the social level was dominant in a large number of study participants. The analysis of each level separately revealed some patterns in their formation during the educational process and during the ordinary daily operations of the respondents. Conclusions: frequent use of a variety of digital technologies is an important overall indicator of the development of digital competence, provided that procedural knowledge is transferred, which is supported by the purposeful use of digital devices. According to the results of the experimental research, some differences in the levels of development of digital competence were revealed in the respondents. Thus, in 47% of respondents there is a developed social level, in 24% of respondents – the technical level, and in 17% – the information level. The smallest number of respondents (12%) has an epistemological level of digital competence. uk_UA
dc.language.iso en uk_UA
dc.publisher Професійна педагогіка uk_UA
dc.subject masters of industrial training uk_UA
dc.subject levels of development uk_UA
dc.subject digital competence uk_UA
dc.subject digitization uk_UA
dc.subject digital technology uk_UA
dc.title Developing digital competency in future masters of vocational training uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA
dc.subject.udc 37.01 uk_UA

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