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Підготовка майбутніх вихователів до організації і проведення піших переходів з дітьми дошкільного віку

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dc.contributor.author Курок, Олександр Іванович
dc.contributor.author Барсуковська, Галина Петрівна
dc.date.accessioned 2018-02-13T08:09:17Z
dc.date.available 2018-02-13T08:09:17Z
dc.date.issued 2017-06
dc.identifier.citation Курок О. І., Барсуковська Г. П. Підготовка майбутніх вихователів до організації і проведення піших переходів з дітьми дошкільного віку // Вісник Глухівського національного педагогічного університету імені Олександра Довженка. Наукове видання. Збірник наукових праць «Педагогічні науки». Випуск 2 (34). 2017. С. 223–234. uk_UA
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/161
dc.description.abstract У статті висвітлено проблему підготовки вихователів до фізичного виховання дітей дошкільного віку в природних умовах, проаналізовано науковий та методичний доробок вітчизняних та зарубіжних педагогів з питань використання дитячого туризму, як засобу оптимізації рухової активності дітей дошкільного віку та реалізації оздоровчих завдань фізичного виховання. Презентовано досвід викладання дисципліни «Основи дитячого туризму» у процесі фахової підготовки студентів спеціальності «Дошкільна освіта» Глухівського національного педагогічного університету імені Олександра Довженка. Annotation: Introduction. Given the need to improve the health of the younger generation, the national program "Education (Ukraine of XXI)", "Children of Ukraine", "Health of the nation", the National doctrine of education development determines the formation of the preschoolers’ health as one of the main strategic objectives. These objectives are reflected in the Constitution of Ukraine, Law of Ukraine "About Preschool Education", in the concept of national security of Ukraine. Today is the sharp deterioration of the preschoolers’ health because of the ecological imbalance progressing, adversely affects on the health of the children. The problem of physical education, the development and strengthening of the preschoolers can be solved by optimization of the preschoolers’ physical education. Analysis of recent researches and publications. This problem attracted the attention of such scientists as E. Vilchkovskyi, N. Denysenko, E. Stepanenkova, T. Dmytrenko, H. Shalygina, A. Vavilova, T. Osokina, N. Bocharova, Y. Chernyshenko, M. Yefymenko,O. Bohinich, O. Kurok, M. Runova, H. Barsukovska and etc. The scientists investigated the organizational issues of the preschoolers’ motor activity implementation in natural conditions; they studied the special aspects of the traditional and themed physical education classes in the natural environment; N. Denysenko, for example, recommends to use the trekking as the means of the preschoolers’ health improvement; N. Bocharova gives a set of recommendations how to train the senior preschoolers to orientate on the landscape. Purpose. To present the regional experience of children's tourism using in the sports and recreational activities with the preschoolers. Methods. Аnalysis of the literature, the study of practical experience. Presentation of the basic material. Professional activity of the preschool teachers has its own specific features. Many researchers emphasize that preschoolers’ successful physical development, their personal activity and social viability depends on a competent, committed leadership in physical education and development, finding ways to optimize it. The specificity of professional pedagogical preparation of the students of preschool education lies in the fact that requirements and features are enriched with specific features of professional activity such as accounting preschoolers’ age features, search and organization new approaches to sports and recreational activities. The study showed that such forms of tourism as sightseeing, walking, hiking, trekking have been using in the preschool institutions, mostly with educational and training purpose. Physical activities with a tourist focusing haven't take a proper place in the system of the preschoolers’ physical education [1]. In our opinion, due to the fact that tourism methods requires the development and improvement. It will allow preschool teachers to use tourism in their work with children in the preschool institutions. Physical education in the educational process of the preschool institutions, as the part of a comprehensive education must lay the foundation to ensure the physical and moral health, an integrated approach to the preschoolers’ motor and psycho-physical qualities formation, improving their physical readiness for school. However, the organization and management of physical education work in the preschool institutions requires revision. This is evidenced by the significant percentage of children with deviations in physical development, insufficient development of the preschoolers’ psychophysical qualities. Today, the need of children in movement is restricted to 25-55 %. We believe that a full solution of health, educational and educational tasks of optimization of physical activity will contribute the organization and conduct of hiking as the main organizational form of consolidation and improvement of the preschoolers’ basic movements in the natural environment. By the way, the teachers, psychologists, physiologists insist on the need of physical exercises and natural factors combination. The scientists H. Yurko, V. Frolov, O. Vavilova emphasize that for the strengthening of preschoolers’ health the effect of physical activity and environmental factors are the most expedient [3]. Originality. There is no doubt that optimization of the preschoolers’ physical education in the preschool educational institutions, modern socio-economic problems intensify the desire of many educators to search the new approaches for conducting tourism in the educational process of the preschool establishments. One of such approaches is the integrated use of tourism elements in the work with the preschoolers. Today-available forms of tourism are using in the work with children, often with a didactic and educational purpose. The main reason is the unwillingness of the preschool teachers to organize health saving environment what can provide tourism. Children’s tourism is the morning and evening walks through the territory of preschool educational institutions and beyond it. In the contents of the excursions are included motional tasks of minor intensity. It is proven that senior preschoolers are able to mastery of basic tourism skills, which greatly enriches their motor activity and they are the basis for more serious hiking in the school years. Interestingly designed children's motor activity in the natural environment generates their interest to tourism and physical culture, to motivate and promote the preschoolers’ healthy lifestyle. In the process of tourism activities the tasks of general and special physical training are using. Good effect have dosed walking, jogging at an average pace, outdoor and sports games with running and jumping. Results In order to optimize the using of tourism resources in the sports and recreational activities we provide forms of physical education work’s classification with the means of tourism using. The presented structure of the future preschool teachers activity includes: the list of the spheres and objects of professional activity, the disclosure of its major forms and it is the basis for the preschool teachers’ qualifying characteristics. This classification reflects the characteristic tendency of modernity, in favour of the development of a dynamic rest, in which recovery efficiency is combined with cognitive activity. Trekking can be used to treat many diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, to improve thermoregulation, and to increase the tone of the autonomic and central nervous system. The future specialists in the field of preschoolers’ physical education should be able to realise healthy, training, local history and environmental tasks. The success of the future teacher will depend on his ability to navigate in the methodical and popular literature. In Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University traditionally in the process of teaching and studying of the discipline "Basics of children's tourism" carries out students’ thorough preparation for physical education work in natural conditions. In this article we also highlight the programme of work developed by V. Abakumova «Backpack», which is designed in accordance with the requirements of the Base component and ensures implementation of the theoretical training tasks for young tourists-preschoolers. This program includes the selection of the exercises with optimal use in the natural and social environment, aimed for the preschoolers’ motor skills development. This program also includes integrative material for the preschoolers’ comprehensive education during the tourist activities, in particular, the development of speech, theatrical outdoors activity. Program «Backpack» also combines meaningful implementation of motor tasks with the children’s acquaintance with nature in their local area, varieties of the landscape, the rules of safe conduct at home, on the road, with the development of ideas about healthy lifestyles, mental processes, and development of interest to the nature, careful attitude to the environment. this program's thematic planning can be used during the practical lessons on the discipline " Basics of children's tourism". Program also contains the valuable advices of the practical work of hiking implementation. Conclusion. Thus, on the basis of active using of the regional tourist experience of the work with the preschoolers, we have modeled the optimization system future preschool teachers' practical training to preschoolers’ physical education in natural conditions. Further research may concern a substantial part of tourist work with the preschoolers, namely the variability of the selection of outdoor games and exercises, the dosage physical load, recommendations on tools, methods and techniques of motor activity optimization in the different seasons. uk_UA
dc.language.iso uk uk_UA
dc.publisher Глухівський національний педагогічний університет імені Олександра Довженка uk_UA
dc.subject підготовка студентів до проведення піших переходів з дітьми дошкільного віку uk_UA
dc.subject фізичне виховання дітей дошкільного віку uk_UA
dc.subject рухова активність uk_UA
dc.subject дитячий туризм uk_UA
dc.subject піші переходи uk_UA
dc.subject туристична діяльність uk_UA
dc.subject туристичні вміння uk_UA
dc.subject здоров’язбережувальний простір uk_UA
dc.subject авторська програма uk_UA
dc.subject preparation of students for pedestrian crossings with children of preschool age uk_UA
dc.subject physical education of preschool children uk_UA
dc.subject motor activity uk_UA
dc.subject children's tourism uk_UA
dc.subject pedestrian crossings uk_UA
dc.subject tourist activity uk_UA
dc.subject tourist skills uk_UA
dc.subject health-preserving space uk_UA
dc.subject author's program uk_UA
dc.title Підготовка майбутніх вихователів до організації і проведення піших переходів з дітьми дошкільного віку uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA
dc.subject.udc 373 uk_UA

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