
Розвиток навички читання як передумова формування комунікативної компетентності учнів основної школи

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dc.contributor.author Гоголь, Наталія Валеріївна
dc.date.accessioned 2019-05-30T12:26:27Z
dc.date.available 2019-05-30T12:26:27Z
dc.date.issued 2015
dc.identifier.citation Розвиток навички читання як передумова формування комунікативної компетентності учнів основної школи [Електронний ресурс] / С.В.Цінько, Н. О. Баранник // Електронний збірник наукових праць «Актуальні проблеми лінгводидактики». – Глухів, 2015. – № 1. – Режим доступу:http://www.didling.org.ua/ojs/index.php/ling/article/view/3/22. – Режим доступу до журналу: http://www.didling.org.ua/ojs/. uk_UA
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/344
dc.description.abstract У статті розглядається проблема формування в учнів основної школи умінь виразно читати художні твори різних жанрів на уроках української літератури. У роботі ми наголошуємо на тому, що читання є одним із основних компонентів розвитку мовленнєвої діяльності школярів, важливим засобом естетичного, морально-етичного впливу на учнів, засобом розвитку літературної творчості дітей. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract This article deals with problem of formation of the basic skills of the secondary school pupils in declamation of the literary works of various genres. We emphasize that reading is one of the main components of speech activity of pupils, an important means of aesthetic, moral and ethical impact on pupils and a way of development of literary creativity of children. The means and result of effective reading activity is a speech development of children. At the lessons of the Ukrainian literature the speech development system includes: providing motivational and emotional component of formation of child desire and interest for native language learning, its enrichment and usage; work on the accent and pronunciation of words; enrichment of vocabulary; editing of literature expressive means; systematic exercises in connected speech and so on. Declamation is not only a valuable skill of general education, but also an important means of training and development of speech and aesthetic culture of pupils. During training for declamation occurs the literary development of pupils: introduction, consolidation and systematization of literary terms, concepts, learning information about the writers. The purpose of the analysis of literature work is to attract children to an interesting, emotionally rich artistic knowledge, to form a figurative thinking, to consolidate skills and interest for independent reading. The curriculum of Ukrainian literature for secondary school requires pupils to realize the correct logical and emotional reading of familiar text, to understand of basic means of expression: observance of logical accents, pauses, intonation methods, proper tempo. The teacher teaches pupils to declaim at the lessons of the Ukrainian language and literature. But at the lessons of the Ukrainian language pupils learn to pronounce the sounds, words correctly, to read expressively passages from the text. The knowledge and skills of declamation, acquired at the lessons of the Ukrainian language pupils use by reading of the literature works at the lessons of the Ukrainian literature. Declamation at the lessons of the Ukrainian literature – is not only an art of performing a literary text, but also the object of learning this art. The learning process of the masterful performance of the literary work is difficult, so it is desirable for the teacher at every literature lesson to improve the skills that pupils acquire at the declamation lessons. Working on the text of literary work the teacher helps pupils to imagine pictures represented in the work, to realize the essence of the character of personages, motives of their behavior, to make a plan, to reveal the subtext, to formulate the tasks of the reader. The exercises of declamation are carried out only after an analysis of the literary work. All the tasks set by the teacher at the Ukrainian literature lesson subordinate a disclosure of the internal content of the literary work, detection of the theme, the image subject, and, that more important, readers realization of the author's attitude to the described events and characters. Every teacher, depending on the theme and structure of the lesson focuses on what stage and for what purpose it is advisable to use the declamation. Analysis and synthesis of scientific experience gives reasons to insist that the problem of theory and practice of declamation has been investigated by the next scientists: G. Artobolevsky, N. Babich, V. Bader, M. Bazhenov, B. Buyalsky, L. Varzatska, T. Zavadskaja, V. Goretsky, E. Dmitrieva, T. Zaporozhets, A. Capska, T. Ladyzhenska, S. Nikolska, G. Oliynyk, L. Pavlova, N. Rybnikov, E. Yazovitsky and others. Their approaches to the definition of declamation problem are reflected in the basic status of the theory of declamation (reading technique, speech logic, emotional and imaginative expression, reading particularities of the literary work of various genres). In this paper, we emphasize that teaching to declaim the literary work should be based on a particular system. At primary school teacher lays the ground for the formation of correct, rapid, conscious and expressive reading, speech culture, development of speech and prosodic ear. The teacher develops in children reading technique, forms senses, produces skills to evaluate properly the surrounding reality. The task of the secondary school teacher is to extend systematically at every lesson the pupils knowledge and skills for declamation of literary works of various genres, taking into account the content of the materials, requirements of the curriculum, psychological characteristics and cognitive capabilities of pupils. For the language and literature teacher at the lessons of the Ukrainian literature in the learning process of declamation of the literary works of various genres it is necessary to consider the basic methodological requirements. The article presents the main methodological training requirements for secondary school pupils for declamation of fairy tales, fables, poems, prose and dramatic literary works, suggests sequence of work in preparing pupils for the dramatization of the epic literary works, making a slide film after the literary work. uk_UA
dc.language.iso uk uk_UA
dc.publisher Редакційно-видавничий відділ Глухівського державного педагогічного університету uk_UA
dc.subject Виразне читання uk_UA
dc.subject мовленнєвий розвиток uk_UA
dc.subject літературознавча підготовка uk_UA
dc.subject особливості читання творів різних жанрів uk_UA
dc.subject особливості читання творів різних жанрів uk_UA
dc.subject комунікативна компетентність uk_UA
dc.subject Declamation uk_UA
dc.subject speech development uk_UA
dc.subject literary training uk_UA
dc.subject peculiarities of reading of the literary works of various genres uk_UA
dc.subject methodological requirements for declamation of the literary works of various genres uk_UA
dc.subject communicative competence uk_UA
dc.title Розвиток навички читання як передумова формування комунікативної компетентності учнів основної школи uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA
dc.subject.udc 811.161.2’271 uk_UA

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