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Ознайомлення учнів основної школи з українським народним танцем у мистецькому контексті на уроках української літератури

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dc.contributor.author Гоголь, Наталія Валеріївна
dc.date.accessioned 2019-05-30T12:55:59Z
dc.date.available 2019-05-30T12:55:59Z
dc.date.issued 2018
dc.identifier.citation Вісник Глухівського національного педагогічного університету імені Олександра Довженка : зб. наук. праць. - Вип. 3 (38). – Глухів : РВВ Глухівського НПУ ім. О. Довженка, 2018. – С. 238–248. uk_UA
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/347
dc.description.abstract У статті автор наголошує на тому, що навчально-виховний процес на уроках української літератури відповідно до завдань Нової української школи відбувається із залученням широкого мистецького контексту. У науковій розвідці акцентовано увагу на важливості ознайомлення учнів основної школи під час вивчення усної народної творчості (зокрема календарно-обрядового циклу) із танцювальним мистецтвом українського народу, проаналізовано магічно-обрядову функцію українських народних танців, розкрито їх роль у формуванні світогляду пращурів-українців. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract Problems. The article states that the pedagogical significance of any educational subject, its place and role in the work of the school is determined by the degree of correspondence of its contents to the educational ideals of society and the tasks facing the school The New Ukrainian school is a cultural organization that promotes the revival of national culture, its preservation and further development, and ensures the formation of universal values, high moral qualities and civic values among children and young people. One of the main tasks of the school subject "Ukrainian literature" is to promote the formation of value attitudes among pupils towards what is happening around. Key ideas for the development of the Ukrainian school in general and literary education in particular are the ideas of action oriented, personally oriented and competence approaches. The competence approach in education is in the field of view of modern scholars (N. Bibik, L. Vashchenko, S. Klepko, O. Lebedev, O. Lokshyna, O. Ovcharuk, O. Savchenko, O. Pometun, I. Rodigina, A. Khutors`ka etc.). The problem of ethno culture is also quite developed (Yu. Bromley, H. Volkov, H. Hachev, A. Berezin, A. Ivanyts`kiy, V. Kuyevda, V. Lisoviy, A. Lozova, V. Pekarchuk, Yu. Rudenko, B. Savchuk , O. Khyzhna etc.). The problem of ethno-cultural competence is highlighted in the publications of O. Hurenka, T. Dyatlenko, N. Lysenka, H. Lozko, V. Ulishchenko etc. There is no doubt that ethno-cultural competence is a component of generally cultural competence as the key one. The educational process of the Ukrainian literature lessons involves forming a holistic view of literature among children as an important component of national culture, a significant factor in raising the general level of young readers` education and developing their creative potential. This school subject studying takes place with the involvement of a broad arts context. "Awareness and self-expression in the field of culture" is singled out among the key competencies in Ukrainian education. In the general world context, Ukrainian literature is evidence of the high spiritual and civilizational development of the Ukrainian people, an integral part of its national culture. Competence "Awareness and expression in the field of culture" involves the formation of appropriate skills and attitude in pupils, forming of which can be provided by means of the subject. The course of Ukrainian literature in the secondary school is structured with interrelated thematic-problematic blocks. Folklore occupies an important place among the thematic-problematic blocks. Pupils get acquainted with the kinds and types of Ukrainian folklore from the 5th till 9th forms. According to the author’s thought, taking children and young people to the achievements of Ukrainian folk culture will contribute to its revival, preservation and further development, to the elevation of our people to the top of world culture. The use of the arts context will contribute to the updating of educational material, the enrichment of its content and the formation of children's creative abilities at the Ukrainian literature lessons while studying the folk art. The purpose of the article is to familiarize the secondary schoolchildren with the traditional Ukrainian culture, the magically-ritual function of Ukrainian folk dances according to the arts context while studying the section "Calendar-ritual creativity" at the Ukrainian literature lessons. Research methods. We used the following methods in the research: analysis, synthesis, generalization, systematization. Main results of the study. In the article the modern program and textbooks on Ukrainian literature for the 6th grade (authors: O. Avramenko, L. Kovalenko) are analyzed, in particular, the section "The mysteriously-beautiful and glorious antiquity of Ukraine", devoted to calendar-ritual creativity. On the basis of the current program and textbooks we discovered that children learn such concepts as a song, a calendar-ritual song, types of calendar-ritual songs, in particular, vesnyanky, rusal`ni songs, Kupala songs, zhnyvarski songs, carols, shchedrivki and posivalni (sowing) songs. Studying the calendar-ritual creativity in Ukrainian literature, the children learn about ancient customs, traditions and ceremonies of the Ukrainians, which are accompanied not only by songs, but also ritual performances with games and dances, which had sacred significance for our ancestors in ancient times. It is advisable, according to the author, to familiarize schoolchildren with the magically-ritual function of Ukrainian folk dance while studying the calendar-ritual creativity at the Ukrainian literature lessons. In the article the author emphasizes that dance is one of the oldest types of folk art, which is revealed in rhythmic movements to music or singing. The first dances appeared as a demonstration of emotional impressions of our ancestors from the outside world; they were intended to intensify the human energy for the fullest impact on the phenomena of nature and life. In ritual dances all of the movements, magical appeals and spells were organically linked with a certain season of the year and farming. In the sequence of movements, the picture of the world and the place of man in it were encoded. Our ancestors sought to attract to themselves the surrounding nature and to ease the daily work by magical actions and spells. The place and time of performing ritual dances were also clearly stipulated. They were held in the open air - for better contact with the forces of nature, sometimes in the house, at night or before the sunrise. Depending on the purpose, ritual dances were divided into certain groups: 1. Hunting dances. 2. Congratulative dances. 3. Cleansing dances. 4. Religious (dancing-prayers, gratitudes and calendar-ritual dances). 5. Erotic (dances of fertility). 6. Wedding dances. 7. Mourning dances. 8. Military dances. 9. Imitative dances. 10. Sacrificial dances. The article analyzes the magic-ritual function of such dances as "Metelytsya", "Kruhlyak", "Osvyachennya zerna", "Zhuchok", "Verbova tarilka", "Ohirok", "Kryva tantsyu", "Shum", "Vorotar" etc. Scientific novelty of the research results. In the article, the author emphasizes that the educational process in Ukrainian literature is carried out with the involvement of a broad arts context, as well as interdisciplinary connections in accordance with the tasks of the New Ukrainian School. The importance of familiarizing pupils with the dance art of the Ukrainian people at Ukrainian literature lessons is analyzed; the magically-ritual function of Ukrainian folk dances, their role in shaping the outlook of Ukrainian ancestors is researched. Conclusions and suggestions of the author. Consequently, the use of the arts context during the folklore study at the Ukrainian literature lessons contributes to the improvement of educational material, the enrichment of its content, the formation of children's creative abilities. Ukrainian culture, Ukrainian folk dances have their own specific forms and ways of expressing them. The best traits of Ukrainians` character, their culture, life and historical past, their views, sincere desires and understanding of beauty are variously represented in Ukrainian folk dance. uk_UA
dc.language.iso uk uk_UA
dc.publisher Глухівський національний педагогічний університет імені Олександра Довженка uk_UA
dc.subject Мистецький контекст uk_UA
dc.subject українська література uk_UA
dc.subject українські народні танці uk_UA
dc.subject хороводи uk_UA
dc.subject магічно-обрядова функція в українських танцях uk_UA
dc.subject Аrts context uk_UA
dc.subject Ukrainian literature uk_UA
dc.subject Ukrainian folk dances uk_UA
dc.subject round dances uk_UA
dc.subject magically-ritual function in Ukrainian dances uk_UA
dc.title Ознайомлення учнів основної школи з українським народним танцем у мистецькому контексті на уроках української літератури uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA
dc.subject.udc 373.5.016:821.161.2:793.3 uk_UA

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