У статті на основі аналізу науково-методичних праць Н. Й. Волошиної окреслено проблему навчання учнів основної школи мистецтву виразного читання на уроках української літератури, розглянуто методи та прийоми роботи з текстом художнього твору, спрямовані на формування в учнів умінь виразно читати художні твори різних жанрів, проаналізовано методичний апарат підручника «Українська література 5 клас» (автори: Н. Й. Волошина, О. М. Бандура). У роботі акцентується увага на особливостях уроку літератури як дослідженні мистецтва слова й естетичного виховання молодших підлітків, формування у них засобами виразного читання емоційно-ціннісного ставлення до прочитаного.
Introduction. The article deals with the problem of attracting secondary school pupils to the fiction as the art of the word. Ukrainian literature is the bearer of a powerful charge of spiritual energy, it is able to convey universal and national values from generation to generation, cultivate them in the human soul. It helps to enrich the person's inner world, to form strong character, wide worldview and personal culture, to direct her moral and ethical potential, to develop intelligence, creative abilities and aesthetic tastes.
A prerequisite for achieving a high professional teacher's skills is mastering the bases of the theory and practice of the art of the word, oratory art and expressive reading. With theoretical bases and practical skills of expressive reading the teacher involves students to creativity, affects their feelings, mind, will etc. Expressive reading at school is a way of influencing the comprehensive development of children through artistic works of different genres, other sources of written language, teacher's direct word.
Purpose. The main purpose of the article is outlining the problem of expressive reading as a way of aesthetic education of primary school pupils at the lessons of Ukrainian literature on the basis of the analysis the Nila Voloshina's scientific and methodological works.
Methods. N. Y. Voloshina offered different methods and techniques during working with the text of artistic work, in order to improve the skills of expressive reading the artistic works. Such as: dialogue, teacher's discourse, mastering the peculiarities of reading the artistic works of different genres by the pupils, reading by roles, staging of artistic works, verbal painting, reading of texts' fragments with corresponding intonation, game tasks, creative work, making the problematic questions, test tasks, work on intonation, temp of reading, timbre of voice etc.
Results. The analysis and generalization of scientific experience gives reason to state that the problem of theory and practice of expressive reading was studied by such scientists: G. Artobolevskiy, N. Babich, V. Bader, M. Bazhenov, B. Buyal's'kiy, L. Warzats'ka, N. Voloshina, T. Zavads'ka, V. Gorets'kiy, E. Dmitriyeva T. Zaporozhets', A. Kaps'ka, T. Ladyzhens'ka, S. Nikol's'ka, G. Oliynyk, L. Pavlova, M. Rybnikova, E. Yazovits'kiy and others. Their approaches to determining the problem of expressive reading were reflected in the basic provisions of expressive reading theory (technique of reading, speech logic, emotional and figurative expressiveness, features of reading works of different genres).
The professor Voloshina scientific school is becoming more and more often the subject of research studies in the Ukrainian methodology. Methodical heritage and methodological foundations of the scientist's pedagogical concept, her contribution to the development of the teaching methods the Ukrainian literature became the objects of scientific research L. Basil', V. Hrinevicha, N. Dygy, T. Dyatlenko, S. Zhyly, O. Semenog, N. Logvinenko, L. Ovdiychuk, S. Privalovoyi, V. Shulyara, T. Yatsenko and other scientists.
The task of the teacher is to form a creative, active personality, her high culture and aesthetic needs. N. Y. Voloshina convincingly argued that expressive reading of the text by the teacher during working with the children's book promotes the development of emotional and intellectual sensitivity of the child, forms a civic, ideological and moral position and views, develops aesthetic tastes and reading needs, introduces pupils to a wide and cognitive world of books. The expressive reading of the artistic works, which reveal the inner world of emotions, thoughts, man's dreams, extends the life experience of children, promotes awareness of values and norms of behavior recognized by society. Understanding the works content causes children to a deep empathy, allows them to understand the inner world of other people.
The scholar attached a great importance to the pupils’ creative activity in the process of working with the text of an artistic work. The pupils’ creativity is activated precisely when they are learning the art of expressive reading. In the programs created by the staff of the Laboratory of teaching methods the literature at the Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (authors: Voloshina N. Y., Bandura O. M.), the requirements for expressive reading of the artistic works are put forward in each grade. N. Y. Voloshina saw the task of the teacher in systematically deepening the pupils' knowledge and skills of expressive reading the artistic works of various genres.
So children should be aware of the basic elements of expression since 5 year of study: pause, temp, logical emphasis, speech tact, intonation. Pupils gradually broad their knowledge about the expressive reading of legends, fairy tales, poems, landscapes, portraits, prose works, fables, dialogues, humoresques etc., improve their abilities in expressive reading the artistic works, scientific-popular works, journalistic texts, socio-political and literary-critical articles, practically use means of expressiveness, study to read by the roles, stage artistic works, orally draw and work with illustrations.
The Ukrainian literature textbook for pupils 5th year of study contains a number of theoretical articles: «About expressive speech and reading», «Expressive reading of fairy tales», «Pause and speech tact», «Logical emphasis and intonation», «Temp as a means of expressive reading», «Expressive reading of proverbs and riddles», «Expressive reading of poetry», «Expressive reading of dialogues by actors», «Expressive reading of literary landscapes», «Expressive reading of a literary portrait», exercises for expressive reading and a list of tasks and questions, which aimed at repeating information about the means of logical and emotional expression of reading.
Originality. The article outlines the problem of learning the art of expressive reading by the pupils of the secondary school in Ukrainian literature lessons on the basis of the analysis of scientific and methodical works by N. Y. Voloshina. The main attention is paid to the features of the literature lesson as the lesson of aesthetic education of younger teens and formatting the emotional and value attitude to the reading by the means of expressive reading.
Conclusion. Expressive reading is an important component in the development of schoolchildren speech activity, a means of aesthetic, moral and ethical influence on pupils and forming a personality, an element of the development of literary creative work.