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Вивчення роману Вс. Нестайка «Тореадори з Васюківки» на уроках української літератури

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dc.contributor.author Гоголь, Наталія Валеріївна
dc.date.accessioned 2019-05-30T13:10:17Z
dc.date.available 2019-05-30T13:10:17Z
dc.date.issued 2017
dc.identifier.citation Вісник Глухівського національного педагогічного університету імені Олександра Довженка. Наукове видання. Серія: Педагогічні науки. Випуск 2 (34). – Глухів: Глухівський НПУ м О Довженка, 2017. – С. 194 – 203 uk_UA
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/349
dc.description.abstract У статті проаналізовано чинні програми та підручники з української літератури для учнів 6 класу, розглянуто особливості вивчення пригодницької літератури для дітей на матеріалі трилогії В. Нестайка «Тореадори з Васюківки», розкрито внесок письменника у розвиток української літератури для дітей, подано розгорнутий конспект уроку на тему: «В. Нестайко «Тореадори з Васюківки». Пригодницький захоплюючий сюжет, мрія і дійсність, смішне, комічне, романтичне у творі»; представлено висновки та визначено перспективу наступних науково-методичних розробок, повязаних із вивченням пригодницької літератури на уроках української літератури. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract Introduction. The article states that the main purpose of studying the subject "Ukrainian literature" in a secondary school is to attract students to the highest achievements of national culture, national and universal spiritual values, development of creative abilities of children and upbringing the aesthetic taste in their, high reading and the general culture, developing skills of self studying samples of art expression, conscious perception of embodied aesthetic and spiritual values. The object of study in Ukrainian literature course is a work of art, its aesthetic nature, spiritual and ethical content. Lessons of Ukrainian literature in the modern school help to improve the general education of pupils, to reach the appropriate level of skills to read and understand a work of art, to expand cultural and educational interests of children. Samples of literary classic works, well matched accordingly age features and educational needs of children, reveal to them the richness of the environment and human relationships, cause a sense of beauty, harmony and learn to observe, see, feel and understand the beauty in human life, nature, society, form their own attitude to reality. Pursuant to current program the course of Ukrainian literature is structured into the general thematic blocks. In works of art, presented in the section "Adventure and Romantic", is put the question of the nature of the child and his relations with the outside world. This section includes adventure stories with dynamic and intense plot by known Ukrainian writers V. Nestayko, Y. Stelmakh and Lesya Voronina. Purpose of scientific research is to analyze the artistic heritage of V. Nestayko and make an expanded conspectus of the lesson of Ukrainian literature for the 6-th form entitled "V. Nestayko "Toreadors from Vasyukivka" Adventurous fascinating plot, dream and reality, funny, comic, romantic in the novel". Methods. On the lessons of Ukrainian literature pupils learn to understand the concept of "adventurous" and "romantic" work of art, to characterize the personages, to comment the plot lines, to solve moral and ethical problems, to analyze the artistic features of the work, etc. During learning the text of the artwork we offer various methods and techniques, such as: conversation, narration or comment of teacher, game tasks, creative work, formulation of the problem, test tasks, etc. Results. Features of the genre of adventure literature for children have investigated in works of O.Buduhay, T. Kachak, V. Kizilova, R.Pavlik, N. Reznichenko et al. The heyday of the genre of children's adventure literature showed the works by V.Nestayko, which became the object of study of many scientists - N. Virych, O.Harachkovska, V.Donchyk, T.Karamenova, A.Kovalenko, A.Kostetskiy, Y.Peresch, O.Savchenko, V.Sorokopud, N. Tolmach, B. Tchaikovskiy, Y. Yarmysh, G. Yatsenko and others. In this paper, we focus on the fact that V. Nestayko is the famous Ukrainian writer, his works for children are included in the gold fund of children's literature, and he is the author of books that are known not only in Ukraine but also in the world. Over 50 years in the field of children's literature Vsevolod Nestayko published about thirty books of short stories, novels and plays. The works of the writer are translated into 12 languages and are popular in many countries. Art works of V. Nestayko meet the criteria for the selection of literature for children's reading. They form a picture of the child's world based on the children experience and are an example of humane literature, and therefore most appropriate for the child's perception. The main feature of his novels is the trusting relationship to the world, which form the person without complexes and vices. The main theme of the works of V. Nestayko is the pupils’ life, the formation of the spiritual world of children. Originality. According to the current program from Ukrainian literature creative works by V. Nestayko are studied in the section "Adventure and Romantic". The article suggests the conspectus of lesson. Conclusions. In this paper, we conclude that V. Nestayko enriched the novel by sincere and sparkling laughter, which helps young people to form themselves as an extraordinary person. The prose writer extols and glorifies childhood with its freshness, ease, simplicity in the perception of the world. The proposed conspectus of the lesson will help the teacher to choose the most appropriate methods and techniques in the study of V. Nestayko's creativity on the lessons of Ukrainian literature. The prospect for further work is in analyzing the works of adventure genre, developing of methodical recommendations for their study in the basic school at lessons of Ukrainian literature. uk_UA
dc.language.iso uk uk_UA
dc.publisher Глухівський національний педагогічний університет імені Олександра Довженка uk_UA
dc.subject Програма uk_UA
dc.subject підручник з української літератури 6 клас uk_UA
dc.subject пригодницький роман uk_UA
dc.subject В. Нестайка «Тореадори з Васюківки» uk_UA
dc.subject конспект уроку uk_UA
dc.subject Рrogram uk_UA
dc.subject textbook on the Ukrainian literature for 6-th form uk_UA
dc.subject adventure novel uk_UA
dc.subject trilogy V. Nestayko "Toreadors from Vasyukivka", uk_UA
dc.subject conspectus of the lesson uk_UA
dc.title Вивчення роману Вс. Нестайка «Тореадори з Васюківки» на уроках української літератури uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA
dc.subject.udc 373.5.017:82.0-93(477) uk_UA

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