
Формування громадянської свідомості майбутніх філологів у процесі вивчення лінгвістичних курсів

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dc.contributor.author Каліш, Валентина Антонівна
dc.date.accessioned 2019-06-03T08:26:19Z
dc.date.available 2019-06-03T08:26:19Z
dc.date.issued 2017
dc.identifier.citation Каліш В. А. Формування громадянської свідомості майбутніх філологів у процесі вивчення лінгвістичних курсів / В. А. Каліш // Вісник Глухівського національного педагогічного університету імені Олександра Довженка. Сер. : Педагогічні науки. - 2017. - Вип. 3. - С. 196-204. uk_UA
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/387
dc.description.abstract Стаття присвячена проблемі формування громадянської свідомості майбутніх учителів української мови і літератури як суттєвого критерію громадянськості у процесі вивчення лінгвістичних дисциплін у вищому педагогічному закладі. З’ясовано сутність ключових понять, обґрунтовано, що громадянська свідомість студентів-філологів виявляється у ціннісному ставленні, прихильності до рідної мови, відповідальності за її долю на сучасному етапі і в майбутньому, у бажанні користуватися державною мовою у всіх сферах діяльності, у сприянні через мову відродженню і пропагуванню історії, культури, традицій українського народу. Виокремлено аспекти вивчення мови у її зв’язку з суспільством, когнітивною діяльністю людини, народом, його культурою і визначено теоретичні питання, засвоєння яких забезпечить реалізацію поставлених цілей, окреслено зміст і види навчально-наукової діяльності студентів, спрямованих на виховання у них якостей громадянина. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract Introduction. The relevance of the problem is determined by the current tendencies of democratic transformations in Ukraine, the process of the state independence setting, the identity of the Ukrainian people, the processes of the nation forming, integration into the European community. The important task of the higher pedagogical institution is to train a future teacher with a high level of professionalism and stable moral and valuable attitude to the state, the nation, the people, to himself as a citizen of Ukraine who is ready for educational functions implementing. Purpose. The paper is aimed to present the linguistic courses possibilities in the process of future philologists’ civil consciousness forming, to define the theoretical issues which studying will provide the realization of the stated purposes, to determine the content and types of students’ educational and scientific activities aimed at upbringing students’ citizen qualities. Methods. In our research the analysis of scientific and methodological literature on the problem of the investigation, method of students’ educational activity modelling and method of exercises were applied. Results. In the process of teaching such normative courses as Introduction to Linguistics, General Linguistics, Modern Ukrainian Language, History of the Ukrainian Literary Language we form future philologists’ understanding the language as a systemic and structural phenomenon, their skills and abilities to identify, analyze and use the language units and categories. It is also necessary to form students’ understanding the language as an important factor of ensuring full-value society existence, reflecting social and national world view, representing the interests of the state, society, and every citizen; students’ attitude to the native (national, state) language as to an intellectual, spiritual and cultural value that should be studied, valued, saved and developed; the system of valuable and social orientations, attitude to the society, state, and nation. Forming future philologists’ civil consciousness, civil self-determination, dignity, active social position, tendency to participation in state and nation-building processes, national and patriotic feelings in the process of linguistic training should have a systemic character. It is possible to provide this taking into account the close interrelation of systemic and structural and sociolinguistic, ethnolinguistic and linguocultural, cognitive and other approaches to language study. The paper defines the theoretical issues which studying will provide the realization of the stated purposes, it determines the content and types of students’ educational and scientific activities aimed at upbringing students’ citizen qualities. The important place in mastering sociolinguistic, ethnolinguistic theoretical information at the seminars and practical lessons is given to such types of students’ educational activities as disputes, intellectual platforms, analysis of social situations concerning the language use, work with primary sources of information, periodicals materials, search of scientific information for solving problem issues, linguistic argumentation, proving and refuting the thoughts while discussing scientists’ alternative views on language phenomena; generalization and outlining the main idea in scientific information, processing and reviewing of scientific literature, writing of abstracts, scientific reports, publications, etc. The effective types of students’ educational activity are independent study of the language situation in the region, interpersonal communication in family, educational institutions, in student's or other environment using questioning, interviewing, direct observation of the speech of the representatives of different social groups and its analysis, research of language representation of ideological, national, social, ethnocultural concepts. Considerable attention is paid to the exercises that are organized on the basis of sociocultural texts as didactic means that allows to broaden systematically students’ knowledge of the main national and civil values (the Ukrainian idea, the state independence of Ukraine, self-sacrifice in the struggle for freedom of the nation, patriotism, readiness to defend the Motherland, counteraction of the anti-Ukrainian ideology, freedom, respect for the law, national and cultural values of other people, etc.) and at the same time to form them. Originality. The methodical aspects of future philologists’ civil consciousness forming in the process of linguistic courses studying are defined in the paper. Conclusion. The civic consciousness of the Ukrainian language and literature future teacher is his important professional quality and its forming is possible in the process of normative linguistic courses studying. Mastering the system of language knowledge taking into account sociolinguistic, cognitive, ethnolinguistic and linguocultural approaches, usage of different types of educational activity, realization of the educational purposes in the system of work with language material through the use of sociocultural texts will lead to forming future philologists’ respect for the national and spiritual values of the people, in particular to the language. uk_UA
dc.language.iso uk uk_UA
dc.publisher Глухів: РВВ Глухівського НПУ ім. О. Довженка uk_UA
dc.subject громадянин uk_UA
dc.subject громадянськість uk_UA
dc.subject громадянська свідомість uk_UA
dc.subject мова uk_UA
dc.subject соціокультурні тексти uk_UA
dc.subject citizen uk_UA
dc.subject civic consciousness uk_UA
dc.subject language uk_UA
dc.subject sociocultural texts uk_UA
dc.title Формування громадянської свідомості майбутніх філологів у процесі вивчення лінгвістичних курсів uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA
dc.subject.udc 378 uk_UA

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