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Із спостережень над динамікою східнополіського діалекту: фонетика

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dc.contributor.author Марєєв, Дмитро Анатолійович
dc.date.accessioned 2019-06-04T11:46:15Z
dc.date.available 2019-06-04T11:46:15Z
dc.date.issued 2017
dc.identifier.citation Марєєв Д. А. Із спостережень над динамікою східнополіського діалекту: фонетика. // Українська мова. Київ, 2017. № 3. С.101–112. uk_UA
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/404
dc.description Видання розміщено в мережі Інтернет: http://irbis-nbuv.gov.ua/cgi-bin/irbis_nbuv/cgiirbis_64.exe?C21COM=2&I21DBN=UJRN&P21DBN=UJRN&IMAGE_FILE_DOWNLOAD=1&Image_file_name=PDF/Ukrm_2017_3_10.pdf uk_UA
dc.description.abstract На основі аналізу матеріалів «Атласу української мови» (АУМ) та польових записів 2010–2016 рр. за тією самою програмою в тих самих населених пунктах через відносно тривалий проміжок часу визначено стабільні мовні вияви та висвітлено тенденції розвитку фонетики східнополіського діалекту. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract Based on the analyses of “Ukrainian Language Atlas” materials and own field recordings, which was made during 2010-2016 years according to the same programme and in the same localities after a relatively long period of time (60-70 years), author has defined stable language expressions and highlighted general trends of East-Polessian dialect phonetics development. The observation on the East-Polessian dialects remote in time 60-70 years has shown a greater conservatism of consonant above the vocalism.The leading trend of vowel phonemes system is its replacement through simplification of diphthongs in monophthongs. This process creates the preconditions for neglecting of relevant for such dialects feature as distinguishing of stressed and unaccented vowel. The most of changes occurred in the southern dialect areas that fall under the pressure of southeastern dialect and resemble them in phonetic terms.The most of consonants tend to normalization of pronunciation according to literature language. The lack of constancy in the realization of consonant and vowel phonemes is the result of dialect self-development, action of general phonetic trends and predetermined by interdialect contacts and interaction with other linguistic and territorial entities of literary languages (Ukrainian and Russian). Despite the varying intensity of the current changes in vowel and consonant phonemes, some trends for them are common: those phonetic variants of words that are used sporadically and have no support either in related dialects or in literary practice have been reduced or disappeared. Phonetic variants of language units that does not have equivalents in East-Polessian dialect continue to exist and increase the frequency of use, broad areas, become exposed to regular phonetic processes, and are recorded by the written and oral tradition. uk_UA
dc.language.iso uk uk_UA
dc.publisher Інститут української мови НАН України uk_UA
dc.subject східнополіський діалект uk_UA
dc.subject фонетика uk_UA
dc.subject тенденції розвитку uk_UA
dc.subject мовна динаміка uk_UA
dc.subject East-Polessian dialect uk_UA
dc.subject phonetics uk_UA
dc.subject development trends uk_UA
dc.subject language dynamics uk_UA
dc.title Із спостережень над динамікою східнополіського діалекту: фонетика uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA
dc.subject.udc 811.161.2’282 (477.41/.42) (043.3) uk_UA

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