У ході дослідження здійснено теоретичне узагальнення і запропоновано нове вирішення проблеми формування культури здоров’я майбутнього вихователя дошкільного навчального закладу в процесі професійної підготовки у вищому навчальному закладі, уточнено зміст ключових понять дослідження, розкрито сутність, зміст та компонентну структуру культури здоров’я майбутніх вихователів ДНЗ.
Змодельовано процес професійної підготовки майбутніх вихователів дошкільних закладів з формування культури здоров’я під час їх підготовки у виші. Теоретично обґрунтовано та експериментально перевірено педагогічні умови формування культури здоров’я майбутніх вихователів дошкільних навчальних закладів закладів: організація занять у формі міжсуб’єктного діалогу викладача і студентів, спрямованого на взаємообмін і взаємозбагачення їх ціннісних сфер; розвиток рефлексивних здібностей студентів з метою пошуку шляхів і засобів безперервного самовдосконалення та саморозвитку в процесі професійної освіти; розробка і впровадження педагогічної технологій, спрямованих на формування основних компонентів культури здоров’я майбутніх вихователів дошкільних навчальних закладів; упровадження спецкурсу «Формування культури здоров’я майбутніх вихователів ДНЗ» та впровадження розробленої моделі.
The thesis deals with the theoretical-experimental research of the problem of future preschool teachers’ health culture forming in the process of professional training. The component structure of future preschool teachers’ health culture and its content is scientifically grounded in the thesis as well as the methodical support of future preschool teachers’ health culture forming is worked out.
Generalization of scientific sources permits to affirm that future preschool teachers’ health culture is complex integrated formation in specialist personality’s structure and can be regarded as peculiarities and strategies of behavior which are the indicators of formed health preserving competence that includes the system of knowledge, skills and habits that promote individual health preserving. It will provide not only preserving and improving the future preschool teachers’ but also preschool children’s individual health.
Analysis of scientific researches permits to work out the experimental model of future preschool teachers’ health culture forming in the process of professional training. Implementing the model of future preschool teachers’ health culture forming has such stages: motivational, informational, organizational-active, evaluation. Motivational stage aims to develop students’ interest for health culture forming in the process of professional training (while teaching specialized subjects); realizing the value of health culture in further professional activity. Informational stage provides projecting the content of future preschool teachers’ health culture forming in the process of professional training. Organizational-active stage possesses forming the students’ basic knowledge, skills and habits in the sphere of health preserving; working out and testing forms and methods of future preschool teachers’ health culture forming.
The experimental model involves such component as pedagogical conditions of future preschool teachers’ health culture forming: organizing training in the form of intersubjective dialogue between teacher and students aimed at mutual interchange and development of evaluative spheres; developing students’ reflexive abilities aimed at finding ways and means of self-improvement and self-development in the process of professional training; developing and implementing educational technologies aimed at forming the basic components of future preschool teachers’ health culture; introducing special course “Future preschool teachers’ health culture forming”.
To check the effectiveness of experimental model and pedagogical conditions of future preschool teachers’ health culture forming pedagogical experiment was conducted. During the experiment forms and methods of training future preschool teachers were improved; special course “Future preschool teachers’ health culture forming” and guidelines for teaching staff on the problem of training future preschool
teachers’ for health culture forming were implemented and tested. Problem solving, personality oriented, active teaching methods and forms (problem lectures, psychological training, discussions and press conferences) were used in the educational processes which contribute to future preschool teachers’ health culture forming.
Statistical processing and analysis of experimental results have confirmed that future preschool teachers’ health culture forming is more effective if to follow the worked out pedagogical conditions. Significant differences in the results of experimental and control groups as well as positive trends reflected in the percentage using the results of generalizing criteria permit to consider the research objectives fulfilled, and the goal reached.