У статті розкрито сутність поняття «вступна кампанія закладу вищої освіти», виокремлено обов’язкові структурні елементи зазначеної системи та їх функції, обґрунтовано наявні внутрішні зв’язки між компонентами системи
The purpose of the article is to find out the essence of the category "higher educational establishment admission campaign ", its structure and features of functioning in the modern system of higher education of Ukraine.
It was found out that higher educational establishment admission campaign is an obligatory part of the activity of any educational organization, which is provided by legislative and normative documents. It can be defined as a system of interconnected components aimed at helping young people realize their right to higher education and provide higher educational institutions with motivated and trained students. For an efficient management of the characterized system, it is necessary to ensure the availability of all the specified links between the components and the performance of their functions